Episode 3 - The Technical Outlook: What to look for in modern data protection

What’s inside?

How many unexpected outages can you handle?

Will meeting new legislation and compliance rules ever feel like a breeze? How can you stay in control for the long term? If these questions keep you awake at night, drop into this quick 15-minute webinar – our final episode in the ‘data rebalancing’ series on the technicalities of modern data protection. Our experts Robert Brazier from Lenovo and Kevin Ridings from Veeam uncover the truths about outages and cyber security, and how to stay prepared and covered for the long-term view.

Hear discussion and advice on:

  • Modern data protection for modern threats, compliance, and regulations.
  • How to store data for the long-term based on the retention goals of the organization and regulatory requirements.
  • The holistic hybrid infrastructure and how to protect it all.

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